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Fine Arts, Theatre, Cinema and Television
Address: Blvd. "P. Slaveikov" 15A, IV Fl.
Telephone: +359 (2) 9523823
Librarian: Radka Kazandgieva
Founded - 1949 as a specialized library at the Institute for Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Funds: about 20 000 volumes; out of those - 15 000 volumes in foreign languages. The books are over 12 000, while the periodicals are over 6 000 volumes.
Profile: theory and history of art, Bulgarian art, aesthetics, theater art, film art, decorative and applied art, art photography, cultural studies, philosophy, ethnography.
Special collections: over 2 500 albums, graphics, catalogues dated end of 19th century until 1950; first yearbooks of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Specialized indexes: 800 volumes (catalogues, encyclopedias, and series). News of the Institute of Art Studies, 17 issues published from 1956 to 1973, Sofia, BAS. Issue 1, 1956 (Ed.: Prof. Ivan Penkov, Prof. M. Bitchev, Prof. B. Kolev, and Ass. Prof. A. Vasiliev. From iss. 3/60 to iss. 11/60 ed. Prof. A. Obretenov. From iss. 12/69 to iss. 17/73 ed. Prof. A. Obretenov, Prof. A. Stoikov. Fund Bulgarian periodicals on fine arts, analysis, theater and literature from the end of the 19th till the beginning of the 20th century.
Fund of monograph studies and collections of Bulgarian art scholars, theater and film scholars.
Personal libraries: books from the library of the Bulgarian Royal Family with ex libris; of Count Alexander Batenberg; King Ferdinand I Sacks-Coburg-Gothski; King Boris III, Queen Ioanna.
The library has a collection of donations by noted scholars in the filed of art studies such as Prof. Nikola Mavrodinov, Prof. Vassil Zahariev, Prof. Assen Vasiliev, Prof. Dimitar Avramov, Prof. Elka Bakalova, etc.
The library has an index of art exhibitions from 1900-1940
Index of the magazine " The Art Studies."
Index of books of the members of the institute until 1989
Index on personalia; history (annals) of the Institute from 1947 till 1995
Index of scientific papers
Publications of the Institute that present it as an important specialized
scientific institution:
Contemporary Problems of Theory of Culture;
Bulgarian Art Heritage in 8 volumes;
History of Bulgarian Fine Art;
Methodological Problems of Art Studies;
Viewpoint, Method and Style in Art;
Creativity and Schematism in the Cinema;
The Crossroad of Discussions, etc.
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of the Music Department
Address: 21, Krakra St., 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 (2) 44 19 01
Founded - 1949
Head librarian - Raina Michailova
Funds - About 23 000 volumes. Of those over 10 000 volumes of books, over
10 000 volumes of sheets of music and over 2 500 volumes of periodical publications
Profile - theory and history of music, musical education, musical genres,
instruments and works of music, aesthetics and cultural studies.
Specialized funds -
1 - A fund of ancient printed books - historical and theoretical,
religious and encyclopedic literature, collections of music sheets.
2 - Fund of Bulgarian periodical music literature from the first musical
magazine “Gusla” - from 1891 till the present day
3 - Fund “Dobri Christov” and “Raina Kabaivanska” that has books,
music sheets from their personal libraries.
4 - Fund of books, music sheets from the personal library of the Bulgarian
royal family
5 - Collection of music sheets with deciphered folk songs from the
different regions of Bulgaria
6 - A complete fund of monographic papers and collections by Bulgarian
music scholars
The library fund includes materials from the personal libraries of a number of noted music experts and artists: Nikola Abadjiev, Kamen Lukov, Stefan Makedonski, Dimitar Nenov, etc.
Periodical Music Studies Publications by the Institute of Art Studies
1. News from the Institute of Music Studies (a series).
18 books, published from 1952 till 1974
2. Bulgarian Music Studies. Series. Five volumes, published from 1971
till 1978.
3. Bulgarian Music Studies. Magazine. Published since 1977. In the
beginning one issue annually, while form 1981 - 4 issues annually.
- Index of old Bulgarian music periodicals
- Index of periodicals (in Cyrillic and Latin)
- Index "Dobri Christov"
- Index "Raina Katzarova"
- Index of materials from the library of the Bulgarian Royal Family
- Index of Collection of national and folk materials
- Index dissertations and specialized author's reports
- Index of Data base
Specialized indexes:
- Analytical index of articles about the music life in the periodical press
from the time of the Bulgarian Renaissance (1846-1879)
- Analytical index of articles in the Bulgarian periodical press (1900-1957)
- Analytical index of articles in the magazine "Bulgarian Music" (1948-1990)
- Analytical index of articles in the magazine and bulletin "Music Horizons",
a publication of the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers in Bulgaria
- Personalia of the members of the Music Institute (1948-1988) and of the
contributors of the Depatrment of Music at the Institute for Art Studies
The indexes are prepared by Milka Miladinova, Manya Ivanova and Assen Atanasov
1/ "News of the Institute of Music Studies" (series). Sofia, BAS. 18 issues
published from 1952-1974. Issues 1-5 edited by Acad. Petko Stainov; issue
6 - by an editorial board; issues 7-12 edited by Acad. Petko Stainov; issue
13 - edited by Raina Katzarova; issue 14 edited by Staphan Stoyanov; issues
15-18 edited by Acad. Petko Stainov.
2/ "Bulgarian Music Studies". Collection. Volume 1, edited by V. Krastev, M. Uzunova. Sofia (Nauka i Izkustvo); V. 2, 1973 (edited by Prof. V. Krastev). Sofia. (Nauka i Izkustvo); V. 3, 1976 (edited by Prof. V. Krastev). Sofia (Publishing House "Muzika"); V. 4, 1978 (edited by Prof. V. Krastev). Sofia (Publishing House "Muzika").
3/ "Bulgarian Music Studies". Series. Sofia, BAS. 1977, No1; 1978, No2;
1979, No3; 1980, No4,5; from 1981 - a magazine (4 issues annually) and continues
with the same regularity. Editorial board, Editor-inchief No 1,2 - St. Stoyanov,
from No 3, 1979 to No 2, 1989 - Editor-in-chief Prof. V. Krastev, from No
3, 1989 - Editor-in-Chief: Dimiter Hristoff,Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Agapia
Balareva, Managing Director: Rosemarie Statelova; Editorial Board: Gencho
Gajtandjiev, Elena Toncheva, Elisaveta Valchinova-Chendova, Christian Hannik
(Germany), Lubomir Kavaldjiev, Rosalia Bix, Svetlana Zaharieva, Timothy Rice
(USA), Todor Todorov, Helga de la Mot-Haber (Germany), Tsenka Yordanova.
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