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Chair: Svetlana Zaharieva (b. 1937). Prof. Dr.,(Theory of music, ethnomusicology and musical anthropology). Participates in the Specialized Council on Music and Music Studies at the HIC, member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Ethnography and the museum to it at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, member of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Art Studies, member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulgarsko muzikoznanie", member of the Union of the Bulgarian Composers
Dimitar Hristov (b. 1933), Prof. Dr., (theory of music, psychology of music, music therapy, music management, contemporary music, music of the Renaissance). Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Bulgarsko muzikoznanie"; publisher of the journal "Muzika, Vzera, Dnes."(Music, Yesterday, Today), professor at the State Academy of Music (Polyphony, Introduction to Music Studies), New Bulgarian University (Polyphony, The Musical Theater of the 20th Century), Sofia University "Kliment Ochridsky" (Polyphony, Music Management, Music Therapy), chairman of the "Vassil Stefanov" Society, member of the newly established "Beethoven" Society), chair of the Author's Rights Agency JUSAUTHOR , member of the International Society of Music Education ISME and Bulgarian representative of the society; member of the International Fund for Music Education named Frank Callaway, Australia , member of the Governing Council of the Union of Bulgarian Composers; member of the Commission on Music Art at the Ministry of Culture, member of the Department Council at New Bulgarian University (NBU).
Tzenka Iordanova (b. 1950), Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. (semiotics of music, ethnomusicology and musical anthropology); member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulgarsko muzikoznanie", member of the Union of the Bulgarian Composers.
Milena Bozhikova (b. 1959). Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. (contemporary music, theory of music), member of the Union of the Bulgarian Composers., Member of the Union of Bulgarian journalists. (Personal Homepage)
Petrova (b. 1961), Ph.D., Research Fellow (hermeneutics, contemporary
music and theory of music), lecturer at the NBU, member of the Union of the
Bulgarian Composers.
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Contemporary music studies: contemporary problems and ?vanguard solutions. Theoretical and metha-theoretical levels of analysis; interdisciplinary approach. MONT (Tz. Iordanova, M. Bozhikova). 1995-1998
Dynamic of Bulgarian musical culture in the 90s. (Sv. Zaharieva, M. Bozhikova A. Petrova), 1997-1999
Ideological Terms and Music: The Modern Project and Bulgarian Music Culture after 1944. (Tzenka Iordanova) 1995-1998
The Hidden Program of Modernity in Bulgarian Music - Modern and Post-modern in contemporary Bulgarian Music. (Tzenka Iordanova) 1998-2001
Vassil Kazanjiev, monograph (Milena Bozhikova) 1996-1998
The Symphonies of Lazar Nikolov - Poetry and Structural
Approaches (Alngelina Petrova) 1997-1999
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